Created by Tōshūsai Sharaku. This piece is based on the play "Koijōsomewake Tazuna," which was performed at the Kawarazaki Theater in Edo on May 5th during the 6th year of the Kansei era. Set in Shijō Kawara, Edohei, the antagonist, attacks Ippei, played by Ichikawa Danjūrō, at the behest of Washuzuka Hachiroku, robbing him of the public funds. Edobei's glare, characterized by his jutted chin and an upward gaze, is intentionally contrasted with Ippei. His unevenly depicted hands radiate a palpable malevolence.
This is a modern psychedelic design by our designer.
Size (in mm)
S: Width 450 × Height 640
M: Width 750 × Height 1070
L: Width 1000 × Height 1420